WATERLOO, Ontario, Sept. 7, 2017 (PRNewswire) -- ISARA, the leading provider of security solutions for the quantum computing age, announced today that the International Telecommunications Union has accepted its proposal to support multiple public-key algorithm certificates as a new feature for inclusion in the next version of the widely-used X.509 global standard – establishing ISARA as one of the first to develop an international standard in quantum-safe certificates.
"This is the first step in ensuring that the public-key encryption infrastructure operating in some of the world's most essential systems – from banks to governments – can be upgraded to use quantum-safe digital signature algorithms without stoppage or system duplication,'' said Mark Pecen, Chief Operating Officer of ISARA, who represented ISARA at the ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Sector Study Group 17 in Geneva.
Added Alexander Truskovsky, ISARA Senior Product Manager: "With the development of quantum computers accelerating, information and communications technology systems need to be prepared to be cryptographically agile in order to handle the migration in a timely and cost-effective fashion.''
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations' specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs. A public-private partnership, the ITU currently has a membership of 193 countries and almost 800 private-sector entities and academic institutions. The ITU-T Study Group 17 (SG17) coordinates security-related work across all ITU-T Study Groups. It also cooperates with other standards-development organizations.
Experts estimate that a large-scale quantum computer will be developed within the next decade. With immense computing power driven by quantum mechanics, such a computer offers the potential for huge advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence and material design. But it also will be capable of breaking the public key encryption standards that protect all of the data, software updates and technology now in use.
ISARA is an industry leader in efforts under way to develop standards that will allow organizations to encrypt, share, store and use data in the quantum age.
"ISARA is pleased that our multi-year efforts to incorporate some of the world's best cryptographic thinking into easy-to-use upgrade paths are assisting in the development of standards that help the international community prepare for the quantum age,'' said Scott Totzke, ISARA CEO.
About ISARA Corporation
ISARA is a cybersecurity company specializing in creating class-defining quantum safe cryptography solutions that can be embedded into commercial products today to secure data now and in the future. As a commercial solution provider within a rich academic and research ecosystem, ISARA is part of a collaborative effort to raise awareness of quantum threats, and design and implement quantum safe solutions that will work globally.