Paul Lucier
Feb 24, 2022
You remember Henny Penny, the iconic children’s folktale that’s been told and retold in different ways, across many countries since the early 1800s? Henny Penny (the hen) gets hit on the head with an acorn…
Paul Lucier
Dec 08, 2021
‘Tis the season for visits to grandmother and Uncle Joe. ‘Tis also the season for organizations to start planning their roadmaps for a quantum-safe New Year. After all, the third round of the NIST PQC…
Sinisha Patkovic
Oct 20, 2021
Why is cryptography suddenly becoming such a big topic? Let’s face it. Cryptography has been at the core of every secure transaction since the dawn of the Internet — unassuming and low profile, it has…
Paul Lucier
Oct 12, 2021
Cryptography is everywhere — at the core of every secure transaction, every safe automobile, every form of communication. That’s why cryptographic management is oh-so-critical, yet sometimes challenging…
Victoria de Quehen
Sep 21, 2021
Lattice-based cryptography is the most important area of quantum-safe cryptography and is known for its efficiency and versatility. Its use cases range from the foundational building blocks of cryptography…