ISARA Insights Blog

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Top 17 Reasons to Begin Your Quantum-Safe Migration Now

Philip Lafrance
Sep 11, 2024

Given the enormity of an organization’s quantum-safe migration, it makes good sense for them to do as much planning and preparation as possible ahead of time. Tremendous benefits can be realized by doing the work now rather than delaying. Conversely, significant risk can be incurred by putting off migration planning. In this blog entry, we give an overview of our top reasons for being as proactive as possible with your organization’s quantum-safe migration.

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Lattice-Based Cryptography

Victoria de Quehen
Sep 21, 2021

Lattice-based cryptography is the most important area of quantum-safe cryptography and is known for its efficiency and versatility. Its use cases range from the foundational building blocks of cryptography…

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Math Paths to Quantum-safe Security: Hash-based Cryptography

Victoria de Quehen
Feb 24, 2020

Digital signature algorithms are a critical component of public-key infrastructure, with applications ranging from code signing to establishing secure connections. However, classical digital signature…

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Math Paths to Quantum-Safe Security: Isogeny-Based Cryptography

Victoria de Quehen
Jul 27, 2018

One of the most widely deployed public-key cryptographic algorithms is the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange (ECDH). This, as well as most currently used protocols, is vulnerable to attacks using…

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A Short History of Public Key Cryptography

Victoria de Quehen
Jun 14, 2018

While the ideal of public-key cryptography is to have a “set and forget” group of algorithms that will guarantee security forever, increasingly we are realizing this ideal is not viable. There is not one…

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