ISARA Insights Blog

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Plan Quantum-Safe Migrations Now to Avoid These 4 Pitfalls

ISARA Corporation
Jun 19, 2024

The quantum computing reality is drawing nearer — Y2Q, Quantum Day, Q-Day — when quantum computers will be able to break the public-key cryptography that currently safeguards most of the internet and the critical applications we rely on. As a result, it is becoming increasingly urgent for organizations to initiate their quantum-safe planning and migration efforts now, to ensure the continued integrity of their cybersecurity defences.

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Quantum Computing Urgency and Timeline

Atsushi Yamada
Apr 22, 2022

What is the quantum computing urgency, the latest post-quantum cryptography (PQC) timeline, and why should organizations prioritize this? The shift to quantum computing is going to be a massive one — as…

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