
The ISARA Catalyst™ OpenSSL Connector lets you use the authentication algorithms provided in the ISARA Radiate™ Security Solution Suite to create:

  • Quantum-Safe Catalyst certificates

  • PKCS10 Catalyst certificate signing requests

  • Dual private key files

  • CMS messages that are verifiable using embedded Catalyst certificates

  • PKCS12 files with Quantum-Safe Catalyst certificates and associated dual private keys

For more information about ISARA quantum-safe solutions, visit

This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with X.509 certificates, certificate signing requests, and OpenSSL, and have extensive experience with them.

One of the design goals of the ISARA Catalyst certificate scheme is to make sure that integration into pre-existing systems is simple. This can be seen in the newly added utilities and APIs.

ISARA created minimalist utilities that transform already existing certificate signing requests and X.509 certificates into their Catalyst variants. This means that if you already have scripts and infrastructure in place, you shouldn’t need to change any of your pre-existing commands, only add new ones. This also means that if you have created applications or libraries that use OpenSSL, you can begin integration by only inserting code and not changing your pre-existing code. This is potentially inefficient, but eases your prototyping. As efficiency becomes a priority, you can begin removing redundancies.

The architecture for ISARA Catalyst certificates and certificate signing requests is limited to creating, inserting and removing attributes and extensions into/from certificate signing requests and X.509 certificates. Since OpenSSL already provides APIs for doing these things to attributes and extensions, the only new additions to the OpenSSL API that are related to Catalyst certificates are for ASN.1 encoding and decoding of these new attributes and extensions. Details of how to use these new additions can be found in the Programmer’s Guide To Catalyst Certificates section below.

An important feature of Catalyst certificates is that they are backwards compatible with systems that are not aware of the Catalyst extensions. In situations where the system does not understand Catalyst extensions, those extensions will be ignored and the certificate will be processed the same as a traditional X.509 certificate.

This Quantum-Safe Catalyst Certificate Tutorial covers the following topics:

Introduction to the Authentication Schemes

The ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector adds the following quantum-safe authentication schemes to OpenSSL:

  • Quantum-Safe Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes

    • Hierarchical Signature Scheme (HSS)

    • eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS)

    • eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme - Multi-Tree (XMSSMT)

  • Quantum-Safe Signature Schemes

    • Dilithium Lattice Based Signature Scheme (DILITHIUM)

    • Rainbow Multivariate Signature Scheme (RAINBOW)

    • SPHINCS+ Signature Scheme. (SPHINCS)

The names in parentheses above are not official algorithm names. They are compact names of the algorithms used in the code of the ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector.

Many of the algorithms' details are abstracted via the EVP PKEY API. For more information, see ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 Developer’s Guide.

This document has several diagrams. The following is a legend of the various keys in the diagrams.

1 Legend
Figure 1. Key Legend


  • Stateful hash based signature scheme private keys can only produce a specific number of signatures. The total number of signatures available to such a private key depends on parameter selection.

  • Stateful hash based signature scheme private keys require special care during the signing operation. A new pkey option called state_filename must be set to a file name that can be created. This is discussed below, but for more details, see the ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 User’s Guide.

  • All ISARA Catalyst signature schemes only accept 512 or 256 bit (64 or 32 byte) digests as input. This may be different from other implementations of these algorithms.

  • Each Catalyst certificate will have a dual private key file associated with it.

Introduction to Generic X.509 Certificates and Certificate Signing Requests

2 Traditional Chain
Figure 2. Traditional X.509 Certificate Chain

A detailed discussion of X.509 certificates and PKCS10 certificate signing requests is outside the scope of this document. More details about X.509 certifcates can be found in RFC-5280. More details about PKCS10 certificate signing requests can be found in RFC-2986.

Generally speaking, each X.509 certificate must contain a subject identifier, a public key, a signature algorithm identifier, and a signature. The main purpose of the certificate is to bind the subject that is identified by the subject identifier to the public key that is in the certificate. This binding is certified by having a trusted third party sign the certificate with their private key and add that signature into the certificate. The third party then publishes their public key to let anyone verify the signature in the certificate. How does the third party gain their status as trusted? The simplest way is to publish their public key in a certificate that was signed by another "actually trusted" third party. How a third party gains the status of "actually trusted" is beyond the scope of this document.

The "actually trusted" third parties distribute their certificates as self-signed certificates. That is, the private key that signs the certificate is the one that corresponds to the public key in the certificate. These are known as root certificates.

Thus you could have a chain of certificates where each certificate is signed by another subject, called the issuer, and verifiable by the public key in the issuer’s certificate. If the top of this chain is a root certificate whose subject is "actually trusted" then you would say that all certificates in that chain are trusted subject to other conditions of validity.

An issuer must bind the subject identified by the subject identifier to the public key. This is done by having the subject create a certificate signing request. Generally speaking, to prove possession of the private key, each certificate signing request must contain a subject identifier, a public key, a signature algorithm identifier and signature where the signature was created by the public key’s corresponding private key. The subject sends the issuer the certificate signing request and the issuer verifies the signature. The issuer can then create a certificate containing the subject identifier and public key from the certificate signing request and sign that certificate with their private key and attach that signature to the newly created certificate.

Introduction to Quantum-Safe Catalyst Certificates, Certificate Signing Requests, CMS Messages and Dual Private Key Files

3 x509QS
Figure 3. Catalyst Certificate Chain

Each X.509 certificate contains a public key, a signature algorithm identifier, and a signature. As specified in RFC-5280, X.509 certificates may contain extensions. QS Catalyst certificates are simply X.509 certificates that contain newly defined extensions with a subject alternative public key, an alternative signature algorithm identifier, and an alternative signature. These all mirror the original formats and purposes from normal X.509 certificates. The only difference is that for our case, they will be associated with quantum-safe authentication schemes.

Each certificate signing request contains a public key, a signature algorithm identifier, and a signature. As specified in RFC-2986, certificate signing requests may contain attributes. Quantum-Safe Catalyst certificate signing requests are simply certificate signing requests with newly defined attributes that contain a subject alternative public key, an alternative signature algorithm identifier, and an alternative signature. These all mirror the original formats and purposes from normal certificate signing requests. The only difference is that in this case, they will be associated with quantum-safe authentication schemes.

Each signed Cryptographical Messaging Syntax (CMS) message contains at least one X.509 certificate and at least one SignerInfo structure as specified in RFC-5280. SignerInfo structures may contain unsigned attributes. Quantum-Safe Catalyst CMS messages are simply messages with a Catalyst certificate and a SignerInfo structure that contain an alternative signature algorithm identifier and an attribute that contains an alternative signature. The signature resulted from signing the CMS message. In our case, the algorithm will be a quantum-safe authentication scheme.

A PKCS8 private key file contains the ASN.1 encoding of a private key as specified in RFC-5208. When PEM encoded, the beginning of the private key is marked with one of the following markers:


The end of the private key is marked with one of the following markers:


A dual private key file has an alternative PKCS8 private key directly after the end marker above. The beginning of the alternative private key is marked with one of the following markers:


The end of the alternative private key is marked with one of the following markers:


The first private key is associated with the subject public key. The alternative private key is associated with the subject alternative public key.

Some of the new QSExtend applications also automatically merge the classical and quantum safe private key files for your convenience. ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 also provides two new utilities:


  • Extend a classical private key and quantum-safe private key into a dual private key. Note that this utility simply concatenates and changes the header and footer of the alternative private key. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that both private keys are either unencrypted or encrypted under the same password.


  • Split a quantum-safe dual private key into a classical private key and quantum-safe private key.

A PKCS12 file contains various cryptographic artifacts. The original pkcs12 application that comes with OpenSSL only supports creating such files with a single X.509 certificate and private key. Dual private key PKCS12 files include the alternative private key as well.

Introduction to the New Utilities

We provide a utility called reqQSExtend that transforms a certificate signing request into a Catalyst certificate and produces a dual private key file.

ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 provides two different utilities to transform an X.509 certificate into a Catalyst certificate. The first and simpler utility is called x509QSDirectExtend. This utility is meant for transforming self-signed root certificates or quickly transforming experimental certificates directly from public keys; no certificate signing request is required. The second utility is called x509QSExtend and uses a Catalyst certificate signing request to transform an X.509 certificate into its Catalyst variant.

ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 provides a utility called x509QSVerify that does verification of the quantum-safe signatures in the certificates given a Catalyst certificate chain.

ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 provides a utility called cmsQSExtend that transforms a CMS message into a Catalyst CMS message. It does this by creating quantum-safe signature algorithm and signature attributes and inserting them into the SignerInfo’s unsigned attributes.

ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 provides a utility called cmsQSVerify that does verification of the quantum-safe signatures in a CMS message’s SignerInfo’s unsigned attributes.

ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 provides a utility called pkcs12QSExtend that adds a new Quantum-Safe private key into a pre-existing PKCS12 file that already contains a Catalyst certificate and classical private key.

For the utilities that accept quantum-safe private keys as input to create signatures, ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector 2.0 always accepts the optional -privqs_engine parameter. This specifies that the private key should be loaded by the engine and is only appropriate for stateful hash based signature schemes. This is required to let you append the state file name to the private key flle name. If the private key is not for a stateful hash-based signature scheme, (i.e., Dilithium) the utility will return an error.

For the utilities that accept private keys as input to create signatures, use the optional -passin arg and -passinqs arg parameters. These specify the key password source. For more information about the format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section at openssl.

It is important to note that in order for the Catalyst certificates and certificate signing requests to be quantum-safe, the artifacts in the extensions and attributes must be associated with quantum-safe signature schemes. This is enforced by these utilities.


4 reqQSExtend
Figure 4. Creating a Catalyst Certificate Signing Request

This utility transforms a previously generated certificate signing request into a quantum-safe Catalyst certificate signing request by:

  • adding a subject alternative public key attribute to the request based on the quantum-safe public key.

  • adding an alternative signature algorithm attribute to the request based on the quantum-safe private key.

  • adding an alternative signature attribute to the request based on the quantum-safe private key.

  • creating a dual private key based on the original and quantum-safe private keys. If a cipher is specified, the original and quantum-safe private key will both be encrypted with the same algorithm and password. If no cipher is specified, neither of the keys will be encrypted.

The first two attributes are inserted into the certificate signing request. The alternative signature attribute is then generated by signing the certificate signing request and adding it to the certificate signing request. The certificate signing request is then re-signed with the original private key. Finally, the quantum-safe private key is replaced with the dual private key.


This utility transforms a previously generated X.509 certificate into a quantum-safe Catalyst certificate by:

  • adding a subject alternative public key extension to the certificate based on the quantum-safe public key.

  • adding an alternative signature algorithm extension based on the quantum-safe private key

  • adding an alternative signature extension based on the quantum-safe private key

  • creating a dual private key based on the original and quantum-safe private keys. If a cipher is specified, the original and quantum-safe private key will both be encrypted with the same algorithm and password. If no cipher is specified, neither of the keys will be encrypted.

The first two extensions are inserted into the certificate. Then the quantum-safe signature is generated and transformed into an alternative signature extension and added to the certificate. The X.509 certificate is signed with the original private key. Finally, the quantum-safe private key is replaced with the dual private key.

5 x509QSDirectExtend Root
Figure 5. Creating a Root Catalyst Certificate

If you are using this utility because you want to create a self-signed root certificate, you may not want to bother producing a separate public key file. In that case, you can use the -self_sign flag to specify that the public key should be found in the file specified by -privqs. If you use the -self_sign flag you must not use the -pubqs flag.

6 x509QSDirectExtend quick
Figure 6. Creating a Catalyst Certificate Without a Certificate Signing Request

If you are using this utility because you want to quickly create an experimental X.509 certificate skipping the step of creating a certificate signing request, then you must not specify the -self_sign flag and must use the -pubqs flag to specify a public key file.


7 x509QSExtend
Figure 7. Creating a Catalyst Certificate With a Catalyst Certificate Signing Request

This utility combines a previously generated X.509 certificate and quantum-safe Catalyst certificate signing request into a quantum-safe Catalyst certificate by:

  • adding a subject alternative public key extension to the certificate based on the alternative public key in the PKCS10 certificate signing request.

  • adding an alternative signature algorithm extension based on the quantum-safe private key

  • adding an alternative signature extension based on the quantum-safe private key

The first two extensions are inserted into the certificate. Then the quantum-safe signature is generated with the alternative private key, transformed into an alternative signature extension and added to the certificate. The certificate is then re-signed with the original private key.


8 x509QSVerify
Figure 8. Verifying a Catalyst Certificate

This utility primarily shows how to perform quantum-safe signature verification of Catalyst certificate chains. It is important to note that this utility does not do verification of the conventional signatures in the X.509 certificates in the chain and only checks the validity of the quantum-safe signatures in the chain. However, the vanilla openssl verify utility can still function correctly with quantum-safe Catalyst certificates as the new extensions are optional and will be ignored by openssl verify. In short, this utility was meant to complement openssl verify, not replace it.

Unlike the openssl verify utility, openssl x509QSVerify does not have an equivalent to the -check-ss-sig to trigger verification of the self-signed root certificate. Instead, the openssl x509QSVerify utility always verifies the root certificate.


9 cmsQS
Figure 9. Signing a CMS Message with an Alternative Private key Corresponding to the Alternative Public key in a Catalyst Certificate

This utility transforms a previously signed CMS Message into a quantum-safe CMS message by:

  • adding an alternative signature algorithm attribute to the SignerInfo’s unsigned attributes. The signature algorithm is based on the quantum-safe private key.

  • adding an alternative signature attribute to the SignerInfo’s unsigned attributes. The signature is based on the quantum-safe private key.

Note that this requires that the certificate that was already embedded in the CMS message be a Catalyst certificate and the alternative public key be the one that corresponds to the quantum-safe alternative private key. Nothing in the API requires that encrypted private keys in the dual private key file share the same password. However, this utility expects that the classical and quantum safe private keys in the dual private key file were encrypted under the same password.


This utility primarily shows how to perform quantum-safe signature verification of a CMS message. It is important to note that this utility does not do verification of the normal signature in the CMS message’s SignerInfo and only checks the validity of the quantum-safe signature in the alternative signature attribute in the SignerInfo’s unsigned attributes. However, the vanilla openssl cms utility can still verify correctly as the new attributes will be ignored by openssl cms. In short, this utility was meant to complement the openssl cms verify utility, not replace it.


10 pkcs12
Figure 10. Adding an Alternative Private Key Corresponding to the Alternative Public Key in a Catalyst Certificate in a PKCS12 File.

This utility takes a PKCS12 file that contains a Catalyst Certificate and a regular private key and then adds a quantum-safe private key that corresponds to the Alternative Public Key in the certificate.

Note that this requires that the certificate and normal private key are already embedded in the PKCS12 file and the alternative public key be the one that corresponds to the quantum-safe private key.

Programmer’s Guide To Catalyst Certificates

The following is a list of operations you might want to do in your applications related to transforming certificates and certificate signing requests into their Catalyst variants.

Each section begins with a description of what can be accomplished and where you can find the full source code to get more details.

Adding Alternative Attributes to CSRs

To learn how to create and add a subject alternative public key information attribute, an alternative signature algorithm identifier attribute and an alternative signature attribute to a certificate signing request, see create_SAPKI_ATTRIBUTE(), create_ALTSIGALG_ATTRIBUTE() and create_ALTSIG_ATTRIBUTE() in reqQSExtend.c.

Parsing Alternative Attributes in CSRs

To learn how to parse an X509_ATTRIBUTE to get a SUBJECT_ALT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, see the get_SAPKI_from_ATTRIBUTE() function in x509QSExtend.c.

To learn how to use the get_SAPKI_from_ATTRIBUTE() function to obtain an EVP_PKEY from a Catalyst certificate signing request, find where it is called in x509QSExtend.c.

To learn how to parse an X509_ATTRIBUTE to get an ASN1_BIT_STRING which is the actual alternative signature, see the get_ALTSIG_from_ATTRIBUTE() function in x509QSExtend.c.

To learn how to parse an X509_ATTRIBUTE to get an X509_ALGOR which is the alternative signature algorithm identifier, see the get_ALTSIGALG_from_ATTRIBUTE() function in x509QSExtend.c.

Quantum Safe Verification of a Catalyst CSR

To learn how to use the functions above and the EVP_PKEY that is the subject alternative public key to verify the certificate signing request using the quantum-safe signature scheme, find where they are called in x509QSExtend.c.

Adding Alternative Extensions to X.509 Certificates

To learn how to create the various alternative extensions using the X509V3_EXT_i2d() function. See how it is used in x509QSExtend.c.

Parsing Alternative Extensions in X.509 Certificates

To learn how to get the subject alternative public key as an EVP_PKEY from a Catalyst certificate, see get_SAPKI_pubkey() in x509QSVerify.c.

To learn how to get the alternative signature algorithm and alternative signature, see how X509_get_ext() is used in x509QSVerify.c.

Quantum Safe Verification of a Catalyst Certificate

To learn how to write a callback function that verifies a signature of a certificate using a quantum-safe signature scheme, please see the qs_verification_cb() function in x509QSVerify.c. This callback would be passed into OpenSSL via X509_STORE_set_verify_cb().

Adding Alternative Signatures to a CMS Message

To learn how to create a SignerInfo to add the alternative signature algorithm attribute and alternative signature attribute, see how CMS_SignerInfo_set1_altpriv() is used in cmsQSExtend.c and how it is implemented in cms_sd.c.

Verifying Alternative Signatures in a CMS Message

To learn how the alternative signature is verified in a CMS message, see how CMS_SignerInfo_altverify() is used in cmsQSVerify.c and how it is implemented in cms_sd.c.

Adding an Alternative Private Key to a PKCS12 file

PKCS12_add_key() is used to add the quantum-safe alternative private key. Note that it is given the same "friendly name" as the regular private key except with an "[ALT]" marker prepended to it.

TLS and Catalyst Certificates

New APIs are also added to OpenSSL’s libssl library to facilitate the usage of Catalyst certificates for TLS secure handshake.

To load Catalyst certificates into the SSL context for peer authentication during TLS secure handshake, no change is needed regarding libssl API usage (i.e., existing APIs can continue to be used).

For instance, to load the end entity certificate and any accompanying intermediate CA certificates needed to form the complete certificate chain into the SSL context, for the purpose of sending them to the peer for entity authentication, the following function can be used.

int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file);

This function loads a Catalyst certificate chain from file into ctx. The certificates must be in PEM format and must be sorted starting with the end entity certificate (actual client or server certificate), followed by intermediate CA certificates, if any. For more details on this function, and other similar functions, refer to OpenSSL manpages (

To load root CA certificates into the SSL context, for the purpose of verifying peer’s certificates, the following function can be used.

int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *CAfile, const char *CApath);

This function loads the Catalyst certificate specified by CAfile and/or CApath as trusted CA certificates for ctx. For more details on this function, refer to OpenSSL manpages (

To load private keys into the SSL context for operations such as digital signature creation during TLS secure handshake, new APIs are added to libssl for loading Quantum-Safe private keys.

Each Catalyst certificate corresponds to two private keys, one (the classical private key) corresponding to the subject public key in the subject public key info of the certificate, and the other (the Quantum-Safe private key) corresponding to the subject alternative public key in the extension of the certificate.

The classical private key can be loaded into the SSL context using existing libssl functions such as SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(). To load the Quantum-Safe private key, the following new functions are introduced.

int SSL_CTX_use_ALTPrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey);

This function loads pkey as a private key to ctx. Note that the private keys must correspond to the end entity certificate loaded into the SSL context.

int SSL_CTX_use_ALTPrivateKey_ASN1(int type, SSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *d, long len);

This function loads the private key of type type stored at memory location d with length len to ctx. The private key types for Quantum-Safe private keys for end entity certificates can be EVP_PKEY_DILITHIUM for the Dilithium lattice-based signature scheme.

Note that stateful hash-based signature schemes can only be used for CA certificates, and not for intermediate and end entity certificates (i.e., HSS public keys cannot be used for SubjectAltPublicKeyInfo for an end entity certificate). This is reflected by the absence of stateful hash based signature schemes in the ciphersuites.

int SSL_CTX_use_ALTPrivateKey_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int type);

This function loads the first private key found in file to ctx. The formatting type type must be either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.

All of the three new functions return 1 on success. Otherwise, check the error stack to find out the error reason.

For an example of how these APIs are used in establishing a secure TLS connection, see ISARA demo code openssl_tls.h, openssl_tls_server.c, and openssl_tls_client.c.

Note that for certificate chain verification the libssl library internally calls ISARA’s certificate verification procedure which is capable of verifying Catalyst certificates. If you register your own custom certificate verification procedure for the libssl library (e.g., using SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback() or X509_STORE_set_verify_func()), your procedure will be used instead of ISARA’s certificate verification procedure.

The ISARA Catalyst OpenSSL Connector Binaries are licensed for use:

Copyright © 2017-2020, ISARA Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

The code and other content set out herein is not in the public domain, is considered a trade secret and is confidential to ISARA Corporation. Use, reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, of such code or other content is strictly prohibited except by express written permission of ISARA Corporation. Please contact ISARA Corporation at for more information.